viernes, 6 de abril de 2018



My name is Lucas Araya. I am 36 years old and I am an English tutor.

I studied English and linguistics at the University of  Chile and now I am currently working at this university and other institutions.

After I graduated from highschool in 1999, I moved to Australia and lived there for six months. I didn't speak English at the time but I had to learn so I could survive. I used to watch cartoons and and sitcoms like Seinfeld and Friends. Also, I talked to people at shops and bars. That's how I learned to speak English. I also worked as a cleaner at a second-hand shop where they let me take one record (vinyl) once a week. That's how I started my record collection.

I came back to Chile and I started to study English at the University. I met my best friends while I was studying. 

Once I finished my studies I started to work as an English instructor. I have been doing this for ten years and every year I have the chance of meeting new and interesting students.

I love music. I really enjoy listening to music and playing music with my friends.

I also love cooking, trying new kinds of food, riding my bike and spending time with my four dogs.

I hope we can have a good time in class and learn a lot.



martes, 4 de agosto de 2015

I movie that I like and a movie that I hate

Hi there!

Today I'm going to talk about a movie that I love and a movie that I hate.

First, I'd like to tell you about my favorite movie: Lost in translation. It is a story about two people who meet in a foreign country with a different culture and they get to know each other very well. They experience varied things and emotions and, at some point, they fee they are falling in love with each other but their relationship seems like an impossible dream.

It's a fun love story. I loved it from the very first time I watched it at the cinema (I've seen it many times ever since) and it was the first time I saw Scarlett Johansson (<3). It's been my favorite movie for more than twelve years.

On the other hand, one movie that I hate is American Pie. All my friends liked that movie when we were kids (a loooong time ago). They said it was funny and there were naked pretty women. False. it was very boring with stupid jokes and it showed a stereotype of  blonde "American"girls doing nothing and cool kids drinking at parties (including the captain of the football team).

Well, as you can see, I'm more into romantic stuff than silly movies.
